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Category: privacy

Advocating Privacy and Data Protection for More Than a Decade And Still Fighting Resistance is Painful

As the GDPR has now celebrating it’s 6 years and 4 years of enforcement, Here an exhaustive practical case law analysis of the importance of taking appropriate security measures and how things can go wrong.

GDPR Compliance and Data Transfers for the Legal Profession

First of all, what are the specificities of the legal professions in this regard and who are we targeting? All legal experts, lawyers, bailiffs or notaries. All professionals dealing with the law, in the service of justice, one of the major pillars of our democracy. They are legal technicians, they are well qualified to read…
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CNIL Fined Slimpay For its Lack of Security

In the midst of the holiday season, the French Data Protection Authority CNIL issued an administrative sanction to a French company operating in several countries in Europe offering payment solutions.

Cookies are not yummies

This article was previously published. It’s being re-published here since the latest enforcements by national Data Protection authorities : After the French CNIL has fined the Supermarket Carrefour and Carrefour Bank for a total of 3 Million Euros, two new enforcements : Google for 100 million euros and Amazon for 35 million Euros for non-compliant use of #cookies (in…
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Online Platforms and Popular Technologies 2020

Legal and Regulatory Responses to Technology Challenges In Octobre 2020, I participated to this online event organised by the Practicing Law Institute PLI. I participated, along with EU and US experts, on the first panel on E.U. Developments in Platform Regulation. The material remains available on demand until Octobre 2021. I focused on Chapitre V,…
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Liberté d’Expression, Liberté d’Information et la Protection de la Vie Privée

Pourquoi les visages des policiers en action doivent etre floutés S’il est vrai que la liberté d’expression et la liberté d’information sont garantie par la Constitution francaise et la Convention Europeenne des Droits de l’homme, la Protection de la vie privee est tout autant digne d’interet. Quels sont les textes : Ainsi, toute personne, même…
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A week with a 11.11.2020 and a Friday 13th was Going to be Memorable.

Latest news, unless I have missed something : ✅ EU wants to ban encryption, ✅ EDPB published their after SchremsII Supplementary Transfer Measures and Surveillance ✅ EU Commission’s draft Implementing Decision on SCCs ✅Datatilsynet’s accreditation requirements for code of conduct monitoring body ✅EDPS’ opinion on the European Commission’s proposal for temporary derogations of the ePrivacy…
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Law Firm Internet Security and Data Protection

Mossack Fonseca hack and the Panama Papers scandal should have been a wake up call for all law firms to take clients data security more seriously. Here is Why we Should All Care About Panamapapers even if we have no offshore investment.

End to End Encryption on Website

Part of the data protection duties for any controller owning a website is to ensure the security of the electronic transmissions and the personal data of their visitors and E2EE.

Drones, Autonomus Cars, Ethics and Regulation

We have recently looking at Artificial Intelligence, after Police wearable cameras, Police 3D Printing a digital finger, Police killing robots, here comes a look at drones and ‘driveless’or ‘autonomus’ cars. Google initiated the path, Telsa has been in the news for a recent accident. ‘Security robot accidentally attacks child’. Finally, but not the last incident to report, a ‘Robot vacuum cleaner ‘attacks’ South Korea housewife’s hair’. All incidents…
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Keeping an eye

Keeping an eye on sources and articles around the issue of data collection.

GDPR Is Not Shooting The Messenger

There has been questioning around the application of the GDPR to Royal Mail.


Rétablir le paramètre par défaut, du souvenir à l’oubli.

STOP-COVID Combattre la Pandémie Sans Infecter la Démocratie

mardi 28 Avril 2020, le Premier Ministre Edouard Philippe a été entendu devant le Sénat notamment pour le projet STOP-COVID préparant la sortie du confinement imposé par la pandémie du COVID-19


A Look At The Many Considerations to Keep in Mind Before Using A Video Conferencing Technology .

Zoom Visio-conférence Pour Les Juristes

Il est impératif de bien évaluer les incidences du choix d’une technologie sur la protection des données. Un avocat manipulant des données sensibles qui lui sont confiées ou du fait de sa mission, est tenu à la plus grande vigilance. L’analyse d’impact s’impose. En son absence, la mise en cause de la responsabilité est à craindre.

Consumer contracts and the validity of consent

Personal data is the hot potato. If you do’t need it, don”t collect it, don’t keep it. Data minimisation will save you many troubles.

Consider Personal Data a Hot Potato

An all time easy advice An all time easy advice Lets reflect on two decades of mass collection of data. Massive amount of data necessarily means inaccurate data. Data storage equals data risk. Data risk equal liabilities. Data breach notification needs a fast response within 72 hours. More sensitive the data stored, higher the liability.…
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Court said NO to Facial Recognition Technology

FIRST EVER DECISION OF A FRENCH COURT APPLYING GDPR TO FACIAL RECOGNITION. Facial recognition technology deemed disproportionate measure in schools.

Facial Recognition technologies

Facial Recognition technology collect sensitive biometrics data, they are inacurate and put data at risk.

You Should be Freaking out About Privacy

Guest post by Kurt Brand, Executive IT Consultant and Interim CDO/CIO/CTO/CISO If you want to do yourself a big favor, please invest a short moment of your precious time to watch this 12 minute New York Times video published on Dec 20, 2019, under the heading “You should be freaking out about privacy”: The video…
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Interview With the Privacy Professor Rebecca Herold

2018 privacy hero of the year, Tara Taubman-Bassirian, discusses the EU GDPR, the increasing need for protecting privacy in the increasingly technology-rich environment, and some activities for Data Privacy Day on January 28, 2019. What are the benefits of GDPR? Where can it be improved upon? What do companies struggle with most for GDPR compliance? What is a “hot potato” GDPR issue? How are binding corporate rules (BCRs) used for non-adequate countries? How has Brexit impacted GDPR compliance? Why does privacy matter? What are the current largest threats to privacy? What are some activities for Data Privacy Day? Hear Tara discuss these topics, and more, with Rebecca.

UK Watchdog Investigation of British Airways and Marriott Hotels Security Breaches

Following an incident reported to the ICO in September 2018, the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), the UK’s data protection supervisory authority, investigated and uncovered that the personal data of up to 500,000 BA customers had been unlawfully accessed. The BA’s website had been diverted to a dummy site where customer details were harvested by hackers. Some credit cards long number and security codes had been discolosed causing serious security breaches. On 8th of July 2019, the ICO published a Notice of Intent to fine British Airways 183 million £.

Privacy Insights by Stewart Room

Sharing Stewart Room’s Privacy insights with his authorisation. Stewart Room is Partner at PwC UK. Top reasons to cherish concepts of privacy: ? Discovery and development: we need a private place to develop and grow, to experiment and to find out who we are. ? Happiness: our relationships with one another require a private place…
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CCTV cameras and captured images

Big Brother is taking over our streets and buildings. This omniveillance has severe chilling effects on our Fundamental Rights of freedom and human dignity. We are seriously suffocating in our Panoptican society.

GDPR, Data Privacy Day and The Need for Privacy

Data Security and Privacy interview of Tara Taubman-Bassirian by the Privacy Professor, Rebecca Herold, Tuesday at 2 PM PacificJanuary 22nd 2019: GDPR, Data Privacy Day and The Need for Privacy Episode Description 2018 privacy hero of the year, Tara Taubman-Bassirian, discusses the EU GDPR, the increasing need for protecting privacy in the increasingly technology-rich environment,…
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